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Road Rage
By: Zack
Posted on: Tue, July 13 2004 - 2:16 pm

I once became so instigated by someone else's idiocy that I committed a sin of the road that is so horrific that I actually lack the ability of expression necessary to relay the intensity in it's entirety.

There I sat in my P.O.S. VW Jetta, disgruntled and frustrated after a long day of ugly administrators and mundane students.  Deep in thought of paper clips and Vodka Martinis and other such inventions that have remained virtually unchanged since their creation and never should be, when in the midst of my unawreness I plowed through a stop sign.  Now to this day I have been unable to conceive an explanation as to where the motive to my rash reaction that followed came from. I placed my automibile in reverse and proceeded to back up in a cautious manner.  Then became so enraged at the mere realization of my placid driving technique and at the government for their lack of intelligence in choosing candidates for road construction that I completely lost it.  Like an undead spirit, I returned with a vengeance to vent my hatred on economies stupidity.  That very same evening I removed each of the four stop signs and placed them in the centerpoint of the intersection.   What a waste of energy and resources, but what the hell I'm young I can afford it.

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